Funnel Hacking Gone Wrong (+ Our Official Response to Plagiarism)

Ethics in Marketing    

I’m up early on a Sunday morning to write this post because last night at around 11pm, we received notice that—yet again (for the ZILLIONTH time)—we’d been plagiarized.

And if we’re being honest…we have made some pretty serious errors in our handling of this, which is why I think it’s getting more and more out of control with each passing day.

This post is our attempt to correct these mistakes.

First off, we’re in the business of templates and swipes. That means we are GIVING people shortcuts and tools to make their lives easier.

Our templates have copy prompts right on them. Our templates have lots of graphic assets that you’re free to use. Our courses have sales copy helper sheets, offer shots, and more.

And…we see funnels ALL the time that are using them exactly as intended! We think, “Oh hey—I recognize that headline!” or “What a cool way they used Funnel Launch Party design” etc. etc.


How to Make a Holographic Button with CSS


We experimented with a holographic button on our site last year, and we’ve been hooked ever since. (Seriously…????????)

That’s why⁠—in true Funnel Gorgeous fashion⁠—we wanted to spread the love! (Or in this case, the tutorial and code for the button of our dreams.)


How to Design Sales Copy that CONVERTS Leads


There’s something overlooked in design school (and is DEFINITELY neglected by copywriting courses, for that matter) that holds the secret to creating a sales page that converts like crazy. That something? How you actually design sales copy. It may seem inconsequential, but everything—from the bits of bolded text to the white space to the accent fonts and beyond—greatly affects the clarity, flow, and success of the sales page, and by extension, your profit margins!

That’s why it’s SO important to design sales copy in a way that makes it easy for leads to read and comprehend. The goal of sales copy is to educate, to break through objections, and to increase conversion into a sale…

And comprehension makes copy 100x times more effective in its mission.


What Style of Launch is Right for You?

Online Lifestyle The Latest    

Did you know that⁠—in marketing⁠—people overcomplicate EVERYTHING?

Literally everything.

It could just be the nature of the industry…after all, marketing is about finding the “new” angle or idea to capture our attention.

And attention is harder and harder to get these days, so we have to be creative.

But there’s a down side to all this angle finding, and it’s that people who are newer to online business get lost in the OVERLY COMPLICATED mess of information.

One of the reasons we created our latest suite of programs (Offer Cure, Funnel Rx, and Launch Gorgeous) is to really cut through the noise of complexity, and to try to simplify the core principles of marketing so people can stop learning so much and start taking action.

So if we can be so bold…

We’re going to make the case that if you’re growing an info product business, you only need to know THREE launch types.


Funnel Gorgeous Society: What You Need to Know


Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve held a few live info sessions on the new FG Society program that rolled out on June 15th. Due to this being a BETA round, we didn’t do a traditional launch/sales page because we knew we were looking for a super specific audience. (And MAN were we surprised to see that almost 450 people enrolled!)

This post is the written version of our info session (so it’s long). If you prefer to watch the replay, you can do so here!

FG Society is our first ever certification program to create Master Marketers who are a triple threat. This means they are well-versed in:

Offer + Funnel Strategy
Funnel Copy
Funnel Design

We know that this has been the secret sauce behind our success, because these are the same three pieces that create an irresistible funnel!


How To Build An Info Product Course…When You’re Not Even Sure What You Want to Teach Yet


But I don’t know what to build a course on!” This all-too-common concern leaves many potential course creators feeling frozen and uncertain of themselves. But the problem isn’t that you can’t build an info product course, the problem is that you don’t realize just how many sellable skills you have!


The 21 Launch Ingredients Checklist: What You Need to Launch Successfully

Online Lifestyle The Latest    

Have you ever had a delicious meal at a restaurant that was so good it has you dreaming about it days later?

In an attempt to relive the experience you research “mock” recipes online, buy the ingredients, and then try it yourself…to immense disappointment.

For whatever reason, it didn’t turn out quite the same way you tasted it the first time.

Enter launching.

There’s a lot of advice out there to MIMIC what works right? Just model the process as someone else did it, and WABAM! it works exactly the same…. except it often doesn’t.

Why not? Where is the breakdown?

If you’ve ever tried to recreate a recipe at home—without the original recipe, the original ingredient list, or the chef who can tell you all the little tricks she used to make it come out the way it did—you’re in for an unpredictable ride.


How Big Does My Email List Need To Be Before I Launch A Course?

Marketing The Latest    

How big of an audience do you really need to launch effectively? The answer is a lot less complicated than you think…. You need an audience of 1. Seriously. If only one person on Planet Earth followed you and knew about you, and if you created a program then launched it to them and they […]


Welcome to the All New Marketing Gorgeous Blog!

Marketing The Latest    

We cannot tell you how excited we are to finally have a place to share #allthethings with you! This blog has been in the works for a long time, but the Marketing Gorgeous blog is finally here. Consider this your new best digital home. It’s here that we will be bringing you all kinds of […]


Funnel Building for Beginners Guide

Design Marketing    

This is going to be the “‘splain it to me like I’m five” Funnel Building for Beginners Guide. Be sure to check out our FREE mini course for even more!

A funnel is a type of website. Gasp. I know. In the online world, funnels and websites are always pitted against each other, but really—if we boil it down—a funnel is just a series of webpages arranged in a certain order to get people to take action.

Now, they are arranged quite differently than a website. And, yes, they do something different than a website does, but still—it’s just WEBPAGES.

Websites are like brochures. You show up to the site and there are a ton of options to choose from. Funnels are different. They have ONE thing for you to do, and once you do that thing, they offer you something else, and something else, and so on.

You can build a funnel with any software that you can build a website with. The most popular website builder is WordPress, and funnels can be built with this same tool. However, when you think about the function of a website vs. a funnel, you’ll start to see where the similarities drop off.

Most websites simply hold information.


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    Marketing Magic for Flawless Funnels™