Weekly Adventures in Marketland [11/2]

November 2, 2021
POSTED IN BLOGS › Marketing The Latest    

The most helpful email you’ll read all week.

What We’ve Been Talking About

  • YouTube: Julie just published a funnel metrics video.It’s a must watch! This is the #1 way you can see if your funnel and offer is working.
  • Email Subscribers: Frustrated By Tech: This Is For You!
  • FG Society: During our Q&A hour, we dove into how to deal with clients who want you to fix things after a project is finished.
  • Affiliates: We have a new link you can share for our Move 2 Gorgeous promotion – and a contest coming. Be sure to check your FG affiliate account for the new link!
  • Launch Gorgeous Elite: Phase 5 began this week. Be sure to review your homework for the onboarding process in your funnel.
  • Marketer’s Heart Event: A bunch of people asked about food for the event. We’re happy to let you know that lunch will be included at the event, plus we have two evening special events. We have discounted tickets and a room block too. You can get your tickets here.
  • FG Funnels: Our Move 2 Gorgeous promotion has started. You get extra done for you setup when you sign up for the annual plan. We also have new video demos on the brand new sales page!
  • New Funnel Designs: All our funnel designs are FREE for FG Funnels users. If you don’t know how to get them, login to your account, click on Request Collection, and add whichever one you need! We are almost done with our backlog of designs, so most of the favorites are there now!
  • Office Hours: We host them every day. You can get the times right here, and see how one works here!
  • Julie’s Advice: When you feel like burning your business to the ground
  • Cathy’s Question: When evaluating your funnel, are you working with the buyer’s assumptions or against them?

Useful Tech Tidbit

Did you know that there are two types of email sending you do as a business owner? There are marketing emails (think a newsletter or message that goes out to a lot of people at once) and transactional emails (think a funnel or sequence where folks are getting messages at different times based on where they are in the funnel).

These are two very different types of email sending. In general, transactional email helps you build a great reputation and increases deliverability. FG Funnels has the most robust workflow options for transactional and automated email sending where you can get a lot of visibility. If you’ve been on the fence about leaving your current email service provider, you could do this:

  1. Keep your current email
  2. Setup FG Mail on FG Funnels
  3. Use it with a different domain for all transactional messages
  4. See the deliverability and open and response rates yourself
  5. Then move once you’re convinced!

Marketer of the Week

Sue Howard is well known in the community for being smart and helpful! She has a bunch of services, plus some courses and other copywriting help that can help you zero in on your customer. Check her out!

Have a great week!

xx Julie + Cathy

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    Marketing Magic for Flawless Funnels™