Creating a Sales Funnel THAT WORKS!

November 9, 2020
POSTED IN BLOGS › Design Marketing    

Today we are going to walk you through a step-by-step on how to build your sales funnel by providing you with a break-down of how it all works! We are not only going to tell you the steps you need to take but provide you with resources links along the way!

It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to funnels or if you’re an expert who needs a little refresh, this is sure to be a great resource.

Step One: Learn the Funnel Basics

How to get started with this, we suggest you check out Funnel Beginners, it’s a free course that’s going to walk you through the lingo and start speaking the funnel language. Once you’re done with this course, you’re going to have a GREAT foundation for understanding all things funnels.

Step Two: Build Your Irresistible Offer

Simply put: you need to create something that people want to buy! Seems easy right? NOPE. You need to create an offer that has a delicate balance of nuanced yet widely relatable. You don’t want it to be too obscure because you eventually want a lot of people to buy your offer, right?

But you also can’t have something that everyone’s already created. It needs that special thing that draws people in.

Our helpful course on how to figure out what makes a good offer and what will seriously sell is Offer Cure. This course is $37 and is a great resource to help you figure out how to nail your offer because, honestly, your funnel will absolutely NOT thrive if your offer is weak.

Step Three: Fix Your Funnel

So you have your amazing offer and you launch but if you don’t understand the numbers and analytics you very likely could just be spinning your wheels for a while.

You need to know what the numbers mean, what is working vs what needs to be fixed. Funnel Rx will help you learn how to pinpoint and quantify your success (or lack thereof) and pivot your funnel as needed.

This course will also help you from the beginning with things like choosing the right funnel, fixing your offer, and understanding the numbers.

Step Four: Set up Great Ads for your Funnel

This step is an important one because while you can allow for organic traffic to take hold, you’re going to get much better/faster/stronger results if you have some experience understanding and utilizing paid ads. Facebook ads are going to fast-track you quite a bit.

There are several components to good ads but the most important is ad creative. You can have the biggest budget on the block but if you aren’t creatively advertising, your money is not going to be well spent.

Our course Ad Gorgeous helps you with that. The course walks you through the steps of making killer creative, how to come up with cool ideas, in-depth design advice, and a TON of bonus content from the top advertisers out there today.

Step Four (A): Design Your Funnel Using Templates

This is a bit of an in-between but you definitely will need something that will help everything all come together. We suggest a template.

If you are design savvy you can definitely create these on your own. We offer them in our shop, they are super easy to use and come with everything you need! You can take a fun quiz to see which collection template is perfect for you.

Step Four (B): Design Your Funnel From Scratch.

Another “in-between” but as we said above, if you are great at design or if you just want to design from scratch – you can totally do that!

A great resource for that is our OG course: Funnel Gorgeous. It’s a great course that will help you build amazing (and profitable) funnels from scratch.

Step Five: Build Your Presentation

Ok, onto the next step! If you are choosing to sell via a webinar rather than a traditional sales page: listen up! There is a lot that goes into selling via webinar, you need to decide on copy, slides, presentation, etc.

You really can’t just wing these things so we have a course that will help! Webinar Gorgeous is going to walk you through how to do all of those things. Webinar funnels are particularly perfect for high-ticket funnels!

Step 6: Get Help Launching Your Funnel or Your Business

At this point on your funnel creation path, you are pretty good at creating funnels. You’ve likely got it down. Maybe not master level just yet, but you’re getting close. The next big step for you on your path is one of two things:

You could join Launch Gorgeous – which will help you launch your funnel. Launch Gorgeous is equal parts course, accountability, and community that helps you launch your offer. We just recently started our fall course but you can join the waitlist for our next one! This is a 12-week boot camp where we walk you through every step of launching your funnel from scratch.

If you are more on the funnel building services side, you can get on the waitlist for FG Society. With this course, it has a similar flow in that it has a course, accountability, and community elements but it has a heavy focus on generating leads and how to model your business.

We have walked you through each step of the way and linked some awesome resources but of course, if you have additional questions (couldn’t resist providing ONE MORE resource!) you can always join our FREE Facebook Group: Marketer’s Heart. We are here for your funnel journey, every step of the way.

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    Marketing Magic for Flawless Funnels™