Online Lifestyle

How to Get More Eyes on Your Sales Funnel

Marketing Online Lifestyle    

If you really just want more eyeballs on your content so you can to pull more traffic from the areas you already use—like Facebook and other social media—and get that traffic to your sales funnel, our most recent YouTube video is for you! Something we see ALL the time when people are building their sales […]


What Style of Launch is Right for You?

Online Lifestyle The Latest    

Did you know that⁠—in marketing⁠—people overcomplicate EVERYTHING?

Literally everything.

It could just be the nature of the industry…after all, marketing is about finding the “new” angle or idea to capture our attention.

And attention is harder and harder to get these days, so we have to be creative.

But there’s a down side to all this angle finding, and it’s that people who are newer to online business get lost in the OVERLY COMPLICATED mess of information.

One of the reasons we created our latest suite of programs (Offer Cure, Funnel Rx, and Launch Gorgeous) is to really cut through the noise of complexity, and to try to simplify the core principles of marketing so people can stop learning so much and start taking action.

So if we can be so bold…

We’re going to make the case that if you’re growing an info product business, you only need to know THREE launch types.


The 21 Launch Ingredients Checklist: What You Need to Launch Successfully

Online Lifestyle The Latest    

Have you ever had a delicious meal at a restaurant that was so good it has you dreaming about it days later?

In an attempt to relive the experience you research “mock” recipes online, buy the ingredients, and then try it yourself…to immense disappointment.

For whatever reason, it didn’t turn out quite the same way you tasted it the first time.

Enter launching.

There’s a lot of advice out there to MIMIC what works right? Just model the process as someone else did it, and WABAM! it works exactly the same…. except it often doesn’t.

Why not? Where is the breakdown?

If you’ve ever tried to recreate a recipe at home—without the original recipe, the original ingredient list, or the chef who can tell you all the little tricks she used to make it come out the way it did—you’re in for an unpredictable ride.


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    Marketing Magic for Flawless Funnels™