What Makes An Offer, IRRESISTIBLE?

August 2, 2021
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Need more people to BUY your offer in your sales funnel? THIS is what makes your offer irresistible! THIS is how to make a sales funnel that will convert. By making sure you include all of these tips in your sales funnel, you are going to have an offer people buy. An offer people CAN’T say no to! So if you are ready for a sales funnel that converts, make sure you follow these sales funnel tips!

Before we get into the tips, let’s get something out of the way… there are a LOT of reasons why someone might not buy what you’re selling BUT if you have an incredible offer, almost any reasoning will go out the door and you’ll close the sale. Seriously.

It seems simple but the way to craft an irresistible offer is to create something that people truly need. We know what you’re thinking…well, duh. We’re going to break down the components of how to discover the irresistibly factor.

Know Your Ideal Client. What you offer shouldn’t be for everyone and anyone, you need to really understand the audience who’s problem you’re solving.

Be Super Specific. This goes right along with the tip above but we’re telling you to get EVEN MORE specific. Not only can it not be for everyone, it can’t even be for similar people who are in the same stage. When you think you’ve narrowed it down, try to dig down even further.

Empathy is Key. This is the number one tool you can use to create something irresistible. The more you can put yourself if your prospective clients shoes, the better job you’ll do at creating something they can’t resist! Not just their shoes, ask yourself: “what are they feeling” or “what have are they thinking?”. This leads us to our next tip…

What Have They Tried Before? What has or hasn’t worked for the person you’re trying to sell to? This is a great way to poke holes in your offer and see how people might be able to talk themselves out of purchasing.

What Are Their Fears? This goes along with the tip above. Asking yourself these questions will help you craft an offer that pushes right past any doubts they might have about the value and need for your offer. Talk through how you’ll solve their problem and then….

Deliver on Your Promises. Look, we can help you create the offer all day long, but if you don’t FULLY deliver on what you say your offer will do, people will NOT continue to buy from you and your reputation will severely suffer.

Talk To Your People. Ok, so a lot of the tips above assume you already intimately know who you’re selling to but what if you don’t know that. How do you get to know your people? Find them and talk to them! Go to online or in person groups and offer to chat, for free. And then, LISTEN. See where their pain points are and how you can help solve them. Pay special attention to the words they use to describe their problems because that is SUPER helpful for you to use for… you guessed it, YOUR OFFER!

If you’re interested in absolutely perfecting your offer, we have an incredible course called The Offer Cure. It’s only $37 and chock full of incredible, results-driven content!

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