How To Build An Info Product Course…When You’re Not Even Sure What You Want to Teach Yet

August 3, 2020
POSTED IN BLOGS › Marketing    

“But I don’t know what to build a course on!” This all-too-common concern leaves many potential course creators feeling frozen and uncertain of themselves. But the problem isn’t that you can’t build an info product course, the problem is that you don’t realize just how many sellable skills you have!

We all have superpowers. We all have expertise somewhere, it’s just often difficult to see it.

Why is that? Why is it so hard to see gifts in ourselves? The reason is because we don’t know what it’s like to not have that information or ability. Or, we forget what it felt like before we became an expert.

It’s so natural to us right? But to someone else, it’s a gift.

Cathy is a designer. She doesn’t know and can’t remember what it feels like to NOT be an expert creative…but someone who isn’t a designer can look on with astonishment and admiration because she creates things that are SO beautiful.

So if you’re wanting to get into the info product game, but can’t seem to see your own value or expertise, here are a few exercises to try.

The following questions are prompts. Answer them as best you can! Then when you’re done, see if any infoproduct ideas pop into your head.

#1 I feel most alive when I am ______________.

Julie: For example, I feel most alive when I am writing.

Cathy: For example, I feel most alive when I am using both sides of my brain, left and right, creating things with high levels of strategy AND outside-of-the-box creativity.

#2 People come to me when they need help with __________________.

Julie: For example, People come to me when they need help with course creation.

Cathy: For example, People come to me when they need help with translating motivations, passions, and ideas into visual & digital representations.

#3 Whenever _________________ comes my way, I’m over the moon excited to help or work on it!

Julie: For example, Whenever someone who is really stuck and afraid in business comes my way, I’m over the moon excited to help or work on it!

Cathy: For example, Whenever a new creative challenge comes my way, I’m over the moon excited to help or work on it!

#4 Lots of people shake their head in disbelief when they see how I can ________________.

Julie: For example, Lots of people shake their head in disbelief when they see how I can get so much done so fast.

Cathy: For example, Lots of people shake their head in disbelief when they see how I can bring an idea to life, reading their minds with design elements, when they weren’t able to picture it themselves.

#5 I remember when I took _________________ (name a course) and I remember having all kinds of ideas on how to make it better.

Julie: For example, I remember when I took a course on how do a webinar, I remember having all kinds of ideas on how to make it better.

Cathy: For example, I remember when I took B-School and I remember having all kinds of ideas on how to make it better.

#6 If I had to wake up every day and teach __________________, I would do so happily for the rest of my life.

Julie: For example, If I had to wake up every day and teach someone how to conquer their fears, I would do so happily for the rest of my life.

Cathy: For example, If I had to wake up every day and teach how to combine visual techniques and sales strategy, I would do so happily for the rest of my life.

#7 My biggest accomplishment so far is that I have _________________.

Julie: For example, My biggest accomplishment so far is that I have helped people make a full-time living doing what they love.

Cathy: For example, My biggest accomplishment so far is that I have a crazy ability to see future trends before they happen, and am able to pivot my business ahead of time, so that I have never struggled to make money since going out on my own in 2008.

#8 I went to school for ________________.

Julie: For example, I went to school for clinical psychology.

Cathy: For example, I went to school for 3D Animation, and Art & Design.

#9 I have five-plus work years experience in ___________________.

Julie: For example, I have five plus work years experience in marketing and business, music + piano, teaching.

Cathy: For example, I have five plus work years experience in (Ok are you ready? I started learning this stuff when I was a just kid. You can call me the Doogie Howser of all things Art.) Coding and Development, Branding, Photography, Printmaking, Art Direction, Packaging Design, Mixed Media Art (Drawing, Painting and Sculpture), Web Design, Environmental Design, E-Courses, Marketing, and Sales Funnels.

#10 My friends know me as the ________________ fanatic.

Julie: For example, My friends know me as the Disney fanatic.

Cathy: For example, My friends know me as the the creativity fanatic.

So for me (Julie), I can see that I have super powers in writing, marketing, fear/psychology, productivity, webinars, course creation, business, music, piano, and Disney World. This is my zone of genius. The place where I have the best expertise to leverage in an infoproduct.

For Cathy, she has superpowers in all things creative, business, marketing, photography, packaging, design, art, etc. This is her zone of genius. The place where she has the best expertise to leverage in an infoproduct.

Notice something interesting? Cathy is heavily dominant in one particular area (art + creativity) and I (Julie) am a bit more of a jack of all trades. You can MAKE $$ as EITHER type.

The key is picking something and GOING with it.

We see people bounce around all the time and whether you are laser-focused or an expert generalist, you MUST pick something and give it a rightful chance to blast off.

The good news is I tell people to give an idea a SOLID 90-120 days. Give it 1000% of your effort, and if the market doesn’t like it, you can know with assurance that it’s not the right fit, then try something else.

The 90-120 day time period is the time it takes to build and launch something new with 100% of your effort and focus. And that’s what we help you do with Launch Gorgeous.

Launch Gorgeous will ensure that you are giving the idea you pick⁠—whatever it may be⁠—its best shot at making money in the market…And it’s a repeatable process you can use again and again!

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