How to Build a PROFITABLE Sales Funnel

October 25, 2021
POSTED IN BLOGS › FG Funnels Marketing The Latest    

Don’t waste your time on a sales funnel template that won’t make you money, we are going to show you how to build a profitable sales funnel from the start!

There’s a lot more to a sales funnel strategy that you might not see from the outside looking in. Sales funnel marketing is one of the best ways to build a profitable business BUT you need to make sure your sales funnel is done right! Our blog today is going to be perfect for sales funnel beginners and professionals alike!

If you’d prefer to watch the video, check it out below!

We have tested HUNDREDS of templates, methods, courses, pathways, and today we’ll explain EXACTLY what to do to ensure your sales funnel is profitable.

1. Idea – This is the first step, always and forever. You need an idea and you need to know who your idea would be best for. This will lead you to the next step, naturally. If you need help coming up with an offer, we have Offer Cure that’s super helpful! Once you have the perfect offer/idea the best advice we can give you is to decide the funnel type.

2. Funnel Type – After deciding what your idea is, sit for a second and figure out which funnel would work best with your offer. This is a super important step, don’t skip it! It’s also super important to have this align with where you’re at in your company so that you aren’t wasting time. Do you already have a great list that you can launch to? A list-building funnel definitely doesn’t make sense! When you know what funnel type will work best, we suggest you outline everything next!

3. Outline – Outlining the whole thing is going to help you with the rest of the process because you are basically creating a framework that is helping you look at each part of the funnel. When you have an outline, you can go back to it at any time to see which parts need more/less support. Once you have that, it’s time to write some copy! These two things will act as your archetype blueprint.

4. Copy – Writing the sales copy comes next and the reason why is because it puts you in the mindset of the customer. Once you get in the headspace of how to sell to a customer, the rest of the steps weave in with the copy. I know it seems crazy, but trust us, this WORKS. So now you have your offer, funnel type, outline, and copy. What’s next?

5. Assets – We know that for a lot of you, this is the exciting part. Logo, product mockups, videos, etc. Have FUN, but we are here to remind you to keep referring back to your blueprint. Re-read your copy, look at your outline, think about the funnel experience as you’re sourcing your assets. We promise you’ll thank us. Once you have the assets you need, it’s time to make it all flow.

6. Design – If you’re using a Funnel Gorgeous template this part is SUPER easy. All you have to do is take all of the amazing copy you’ve written and lay it on top of the funnel design. Boom! Ok, maybe it takes a little more than this but you get the idea. If you’re using a template, it makes things way easier. You’ll get all of our templates for free if you’re an FG Funnels user, justtttt sayin’! This is also where you’ll get a good idea of what needs more/less support – hello callback to step 3!

7. Tech – Stay with us. Stay with us. We know the tech makes everyone cringe but this is the step that is eventually going to make your life oh, SO much easier. It’s settling up the products, setting up the delivery, setting up member’s areas if that’s your sort of thing. The good news is you have a whole community to help you both free and paid help. Don’t feel weird getting help. Get your tech right and the rest will be a breeze.

8. Follow Up – This part is basically just what you’re going to do if people get to your funnel and ::gasp:: don’t buy. It happens to all of us, but it’s something that not only shouldn’t be ignored, it needs to be an important step. How many emails will you have drip out and when? Take a few minutes to think about and plan this one out, you won’t be sorry.

9. Build/Release – Next and finally, you want to send your funnel out into the world. BUT, here is the last bit of advice… If you are launching an SLO, something smaller, low ticket, follow the Build –> Release model. If you’re launching something higher ticket we want you to reverse the order and Release –> Build because you want to make sure people are going to buy it

There you have it! This should basically serve as a mini checklist to launching your funnel. You need to have each of these, at minimum, to have a profitable product. Anything in here that surprised you? Anything you’re not implementing and plan to ASAP? We linked a few helpful products for you in the post but always feel free to check out the Funnel Gorgeous website for updated products and offers!

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    Marketing Magic for Flawless Funnels™