FG Funnels Updates – May 18th, 2022

May 18, 2022
POSTED IN BLOGS › FG Funnels Release Notes    

It’s officially halfway through May, and we’re back with another round of FG Funnels release notes! Here’s what the developers have been brewing over May 12th-18th, 2022.

If you have any questions about FG Funnels, the updates discussed in this post, or account-related questions, reach out through live chat within your FG Funnels account, or send us an email to [email protected].

Workflow Updates


  • We have updated Workflows, Campaigns (deprecated), and Triggers (deprecated) to allow updating DND based on channels
  • The existing Workflow, Campaign, and Trigger steps will keep working as expected.

Webhook Fail & Retrial Logic For ‘Send Webhook‘ Action In Workflows

  • If the workflow does not get a response from the webhook URL in one minute, it will result in timeout. Due to which the workflow will skip the step, and the contact will move forward to the next step.
  • If the request fails due to one of the following errors, the workflow will keep retrying with an exponential back-off time – up to 15 times – after which the contact will move to the next step:
    • Error Status Code – 429 (usually due to rate limiters)
    • Queue is full
  • However if the request fails with any of the following errors, the workflow will treat this as a permanent failure, and DOES NOT RETRY:
    • ENOTFOUND (when the client address is not found)
    • ECONNREFUSED (failure in connecting to the server, usually due to wrong port)
    • EHOSTUNREACH (no route to that particular host could be found)
  • If none of the above error messages are present, we will follow this pattern depending on the Response Status Code:
    • Status code = 400-499 -> Step fails and we move to the next step.
    • Status code = 500 or greater -> We retry again. The workflow will keep retrying with an exponential back-off time, up to 15 times, after which the contact will move to the next step.

Shopify Order fulfilled Trigger

  • Runs when order is fulfilled by the store, after the lead has already placed the order

Encode URL Parameters For Webhook Actions

  • If the parameters on your URL for the webhook contains certain special characters, it will now be encoded before making the request.
  • For instance, if you have https://webhook.in?name={{contact.name}}, after compilation, if contact name has any special characters such as spaces, it will be encoded.

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