FG Funnels Updates – October 10th, 2024

October 9, 2024
POSTED IN BLOGS › FG Funnels Release Notes    

It is time for all the latest updates in FG Funnels from the week of October 3rd,  through October 10th, 2024. If you have questions about any of these updates, or FG Funnels in general, please reach out to support@fgfunnels.com or live chat in the app and our team will be happy to help.



Scenario Recipes, Enhanced Branch Functionality, Time of Day Condition, and UI Upgrade

Introducing Scenario Recipes – We’ve completely reimagined how you set up your If/Else conditions by introducing Scenario Recipes. These are pre-built templates that simplify the setup process:

  • Select from one of our pre built recipes just for If/Else.
  • Click the dropdown and select from the 10 recipe types we have or build your own.
  • These recipes will also tell you if there are any pre requisites you want to add before using these recipes.

Enhanced Branch Functionality – The If/Else branches in the builder have also gone through a major upgrade.

  • You can now see a concise text summary of each branch, making it easier to understand at a glance which conditions are being met.
  • For branches with multiple conditions, simply click “+x more conditions” to view a full list in a convenient pop-up window.
  • Clicking on any branch will isolate it for editing while collapsing others, so you can focus on one branch at a time.

“Time of the Day” Condition –We have added a new option in “Date – Time” condition and that is “Time of the Day”.

  • This allows users to select specific times down to 15-minute intervals, offering more granular control.
  • For simplifying, we show descriptions of selected values to indicate in what situation those will be true

UI Upgrade

  • The Branch Configuration screen has been streamlined.
  • The new Condition Dropdown makes it easier to search and select specific conditions.
  •  Drag and drop branches to re-arrange them in UI


Custom Value Picker for Dropdown, Numeric and Date Fields

For the second phase of this release we have added the same functionality to 2 more actions:

  • Assign User – This will support User ID. The User IDs that are added can be string ‘user-1’ or [‘user-1’, ‘user-2’], or ‘user-1, user-2’
  • Copy Contact



Sell A Free Product

You can now create products with a price of zero, whether as a one-time product or a recurring/subscription type. Customers can purchase these zero-priced products through various channels, including funnels, forms, and the e-commerce store, etc.



No Credit Card Required For $0 Checkout

Customers can  check out free products without needing to enter credit card details. This feature is supported on both one-step and two-step order forms, as well as in online stores.

You can enable or disable the free checkout option from the Funnel Builder settings, which will also apply to upsell purchases. This option is only available for one-time products priced at $0 or for recurring products where both the initial checkout and future billing cycles are set to $0.



Rescheduled Tag In Appointments

We’ve introduced a tag that allows users to easily identify rescheduled appointments. Whenever an appointment is rescheduled, a “Rescheduled” tag will appear in both the appointment list view and the appointment modal. The previous date and time of the appointment will also be displayed in the modal, helping users stay informed and take any necessary actions.



Workflow Statistics

This new feature helps users track the effectiveness of their WhatsApp communication and offers detailed breakdowns of message statuses within workflows.

Total Messages Sent: View the total number of WhatsApp messages triggered by the selected workflow action.

Pending Messages: Track messages that have yet to be triggered.
Successfully Sent Messages: See messages that have been sent to recipients (indicated by one tick on WhatsApp).

Delivered Messages: Monitor messages that have reached the recipient’s device (two ticks on WhatsApp).

Messages Read by Customers: Check which messages have been opened by recipients (blue ticks on WhatsApp).

Failed WhatsApp Messages: View messages that encountered errors, such as unavailability on WhatsApp, blocked templates, or reaching per-user marketing limits.


How It Works:

  1. Go to Automations > Select Workflow with WhatsApp Action.
  2. Click on the WhatsApp Action > Statistics.
  3. View the comprehensive stats breakdown, including the number of Total, Pending, Sent, Delivered, Read, and Failed messages.
  4. After viewing the statistics, click the Export button to download a detailed report.


Statuses and Their Meanings:

  • Total: Total WhatsApp messages triggered in the selected workflow.
  • Pending: Messages yet to be triggered.
  • Sent: Messages sent to the recipient (one tick).
  • Delivered: Messages delivered to the recipient’s device (two ticks).
  • Read: Messages opened by the recipient (blue tick).
  • Failed: Messages that encountered errors such as blocked accounts, template issues, or reaching message limits.



Workflow Triggers And Actions For Private Channels

We’ve introduced new functionality to help automate private channel memberships through workflows and automation.

New Triggers

  • Private Channel Access Granted: A trigger will occur whenever a user is added to a private channel, allowing you to automate actions based on this event.
  • Private Channel Access Revoked: A trigger will occur whenever a user is removed from a private channel, automating follow-up actions to ensure accurate and timely access control.

New Actions

Grant Private Channel Access: Automatically add users to private channels via workflows, simplifying the onboarding process for group members.

Revoke Private Channel Access: Automate the removal of users from private channels, ensuring accurate and timely access control.


Important Notes:

  • When adding a user to a private channel, if the user is not already part of the group, they will be automatically added to the group and private channel.
  • Any user removed from a private channel will lose access to its content and communications immediately.
  •  Ensure that the selected group contains at least one private channel. If no private channels are present within the group, the workflow will not be registered.



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