FG Funnels Updates – May 11th, 2022

May 11, 2022
POSTED IN BLOGS › FG Funnels Release Notes    

Here are our release notes for FG Funnels from the week of May 5th-11th, 2022.

If you have any questions about these updates, other software features, or just need help troubleshooting something in your account, reach out through live chat within your FG Funnels account, or send us an email to [email protected].

Phone System Updates

  • Each initial message that is sent to an end-user will auto append the company name(sender ID) and of the location the opt-out language, informing the user as to who has sent the message and how do they opt-out of such SMSs.
  • Example: Hello Susan, This is a new release update from our end. Reply STOP to unsubscribe. Thanks, FG Funnels.

DoNotDisturb (DND) Split

  • Added the ability to DND contacts on a per-channel basis
  • What changes: Contacts that have had DND switched on previously – we continue to respect that. Contacts that have not had DND switched on previously – we continue to respect that. DND ‘On’ – now means no automated/manual outbound messages permitted to go out (previously, we let people send outbound messages manually and only restricted ‘Automated’ messages). DND ‘Off’ – all automated/manual messages continue to work as usual. DND ‘Partial’ – Some Channels are unavailable for Outbound messaging (this is new).
  • How do integrations tie in with this? If the integrations exist and are functional, they’ll get enlisted as channels that FGF Users can either enable or disable independently or all together at once. If the Integrations drop and are re-connected, the previous state would persist- meaning if you DND’d a contact for FB Messenger, it’ll continue to stick
  • How does it work in the case of emails? Auto-Enable the DND for the following: 1) permanent failed with reason: bounce, generic, suppress-complaint, suppress-unsubscribe, and suppress-bounce; 2) when a recipient unsubscribes or marks an email as a complaint. Allow location to disable the DND from the UI for all the above reasons except complaints: When a user updates the DND for bounce and suppressions, remove the email from the Mailgun suppression and validate the email using Mailgun validation before enabling the DND.
  • How does it work in the case of SMS? There are 2 ways in which the DND will be enabled: 1) If the customer replied with Opt-Out keywords(STOP). 2) If we get 30003, 30004, 30005, or 30006 error codes back from Twilio. Two types of DND will be applied to a contact: 1) Temporary -> If we get 30003 and 30005 2) Permanent -> If we get 30004 and 30006 or receive STOP.
  • DND Filter on Smartlists will come out later this month. All accounts that had Smartlists with DND selected prior to this release will continue to work.

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